Do you have a concept? and thinking about how to quickly test it. But don’t have skills, time or resources to do it.

We will help you to turn your idea into a feasible mock-up in the most time-and-cost-efficient way. You will be able to test and improve your product idea without spending thousands of dollars. Gradual product improvements show progress and dedication and are more likely to succeed in the marketplace. From the mock-up stage, you can adjust your design and move on to a higher resolution prototype version that will closely resemble the final look and shape of your product.

We will swiftly work on prototyping boards and simple printed circuit boards while using off the shelf proven hardware. This allows us to quickly get something ready to begin testing. After testing when you are satisfied with the prototype and the specifications have been finalized we work closely with you to assess the feasibility of using off the shelf hardware or making custom components.

After finalizing the details we start developing your custom printed circuit board and give you the design documentation along with 3D visualization.

If you are struggling with prototyping your product idea we might be able to help you.

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