No matter what the industry your product may need to acquire data, process information, and communicate with the connected world.

We have abundant experience in capturing and processing many types of sensor data including video and image, Pressure, Force, temperature, vibration sensing and alerting and a wide variety of other sensors data manipulation.

We also utilize existing software libraries to quickly build custom embedded software that you need to control electro-mechanical devices, interface with other products and communicate with the internet world.

Talk to us about your current or future needs we can come up with the most efficient way to either create a new product or integrate new sensors to existing ones.

With Anything connectivity related, we can help you: UART, I2C, SPI, I2S, ZigBee, Ethercat, CAN bus, Modbus, BT, Wi-Fi. With everything becoming connected, the necessity for quality IoT (Internet of Things) devices is skyrocketing. We can help you make the next best thing.

Think of any type of sensor. Most probably are we’ve used it before. And if not, we’d love to hear about it. We pride ourselves in staying at the cutting edge of technology and it’s our passion to become as knowledgeable as possible.

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